tirsdag 6. mars 2012

Online Marketing gone Offline

Maybe you already are an online marketer or perhaps you’re interested in becoming one? What you should know anyhow, if you don’t already know this, is that there are a variety of effective ways to promote online products other than sitting inside with your computer posting links.
I thought it would be interesting to go outside and meet people on the streets, in shopping centers or any other random place, and just simply talk to them about being an online marketer. I wasn’t sure how to go about it at first but I finally dared to dive in and embrace the challenge. I’m not sorry! Some people seemed genuinely interested and others probably didn’t even take me seriously at all. One guy was even downright rude, like I was annoying him by breathing his air or something, so you really have to be able to handle all sorts of reactions. Anyway, the hours literally flew and for the most I had lots of fun talking to people about online marketing and what it’s all about. Surprisingly few knew anything at all about what it is; only 1 out of 20 perhaps had a clue to what I was talking about. So I feel like I have at least spread the word around a bit.
It gave me a challenge to try to explain in a simple fashion to not scare off potential customers with too much information at once. There’s a huge amount of info on the topic so try to keep it as simple as possible. My goal was and is to spike the interest of becoming online marketers, since the product I’m promoting in fact is an online marketing training program. So plant the seed and if it grows, if it doesn’t… well you can’t force it! You’ll just have to improve your skills.
At first it was very difficult because I wasn’t sure where to start, but as I talked to more and more people I felt more relaxed and words started flowing easier after repeating myself 50 times. I had printed out some business cards and flyers on forehand and they came in very handy. I found it a lot easier if I had something to presents while giving my little speech. It also seemed to make people more interested in what I had to say.
By the end of the day I had hung up 5 flyers with the tags you can rip off at the bottom, had talked to maybe 50-60 people and handed out lots of business cards. I call that success, and even though only one or two of those 50-60 buy you products, that’s money in the bank and the word is out. People talk and may pass it on to someone who’s interested.
So this was kind of like the test drive just to see if the effort could amount to something. I definitley not dissapointed and I think I'll try some more offline promoting soon :) 
If you would like to know more about the training program I follow, and I can highly recomend it, feel free to go to this link: millionairsocietyannika.com and it will bring you to a website with a video that lasts about 25 minutes. If you watch the whole video and you are interested in the training program you will have a chance to join or simply say no thanks if it’s not for you.         

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